Saturday, January 21, 2006

Manic moods are awesome!

So yes. I unofficially have bipolar disorder. Unofficially because I won't go to a head doctor to have it stamped on my hand, and maybe because it's just the hadle of coffee I had at breakfast this morning, but I'm OUTRAGEOUSLY hyper at the moment, and in a fever of writing frenzy am going to make up for going months without posting by writing a lot of shit soonly. (Or soonish, for you grammar cowboys out there. Don't front...)

It's like 80 degrees here in Georgia, sunny day, and my cousin and I were toying with going to the beach and getting drunk, but decided instead of store some beer, party here tonight and then go to the beach tomorrow. It's going to be 70 tomorrow supposedly, and when you've spent like 21 winters in the dark, cold North, 70 degrees in January is absofuckinlutely a beach day. I've got my windows open in my apartment and am listening to some Dave Matthews live from Camden from like.... 2 summers ago when we went and saw him. This gave me the thought to do some concert summaries for y'all to enjoy (or not, what the fuck ever, I don't even know who's reading this.) because I've been to a few and they've always been more good times than bad, with the exception of 311. (Nothing against the band, but the circumstances involved sucked, more on that later)

So yes, the CR Concert Series will kick off soon. Stay tuned. Before I came back to my apartment just now I had been over my cousin's place, and she has a 3rd floor screened in porch that we were chilling out on around noon, drinking some beers and soaking up some sun and breeze. Bonus points.

I have two whole packs of gum in my mouth. Too hyper, needed something to keep my teeth from grinding. To think, I had planned on spending this day doing laundry and mopping. F that, I've got stuff to write and Dave to listen to, with my windows open enjoying the somewhat cooler than 80 degree breeze (It's cooling off a bit towards the end of the day here.)

On the way back to my apartment, however, it was really nice out. I took the long way home so I could get a few songs in by the Blue Method. You may or may not have heard of them, BUT... You should listen to them. They are a blues/funk/awesome band from Philly, I've seen them twice live, wanted to see them three times but they got bumped from a show they were supposed to do at the Jersey shore, which would have probably been in the Concert Series writings, considering I was rolling thick that weekend (No, not a weed reference, FBI. Means I had the Crew with me.) and we had a cooler full of booze.

In all seriousness, they are good musicians and good guys, both times I saw them at the Logan House in Delaware they hung out afterwards and were signing CD's and shaking hands. Very infectious music, if you get a chance to listen to it. Yes, I'm shamelessly plugging them, but dammit... I want them to become more famouser so I can say I knew them when they were doing bars and clubs and getting bumped from shore bars, and then you'll all be impressed. Super bonus points for Philadelphia Eagles fan, as the lead singer bares a resemblance to long time defensive tackle Hollis Thomas. (I smell a cross promotion imminent... Hear my thoughts, Jeffrey Lurie, HEAR MY THOUGHTS!!!!)

Damn, I must not be using enough alumminum foil on my hockey.... I mean my telepathy helmet.

That's right. Now go get it.


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