Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I got a full colour sheet of penquins. I want one. Basically, I need to get a rockhopper or blackfooted penquin and train him to be my sidekick.

I'm having sidekick withdrawal, and I have decided that penquins are an obvious choice. Rockhopper penquins have street cred already, based on name and weird hairstyle alone. I would probably name him Avenger. He could then track down evildoers and smack them with his flappers. People WILL understand that I'm quite serious.

And of course, Avenger will need a woman. To this end, I will begin to create an army of penquins. That's right.

Just had to post this out of the way, it's been on my mind since I was made aware there is a webcam that shows penquins between 7 am and 7 pm. It's free, but you can donate if you want to, keep in mind, it's important to get the penquins on our good side now, so donate money. Because, let's face it, once they take control, well... what are we gonna do?


Monday, January 30, 2006

Post # 2: Silly Putty to Post # 1's Napalm

Hi again. Thanks for stopping by.

I'd like to start by wondering aloud what exactly people are searching for when they find me and my little corner of the internet. I've been getting some weird visitors here lately, from strange parts of the globe and from blogs that don't link to me. By all means, this is Strange Days, so welcome aboard. But perhaps you could comment or e-mail me and let me know how you got here. Or not, it's cool.

Rapid fire observations of the day:
  1. Why do we care about celebrity weddings? Do we need an hour devoted to this? Look, I give Seal his props for landing Heidi Klum, but I don't need to know who DJ'd his wedding. We need to stop this practice of filming stupid things from taking place.
  2. On the other hand, I saw an episode of that skating with the stars. I laughed heartily at the blooper takes, because it's just humourous to me when someone falls on their face, especially on ice. I'm not gonna watch it again, and I don't even know when it's on next, but it was pretty funny and a really dangerous idea, so naturally I enjoyed it.
  3. I want to learn how to play the piano.
  4. I really don't understand cruises. I've never understood why people do this. And now, it's not even safe aside from legionaires disease, now there's fuck off pirates on the high seas. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, 21st century and we still have pirates. My dream journal must have been stolen.
  5. I'm going to take heat for this from a lot of people, but DAMN, the Nashville female accent is absolutely stunning. I think if more girls HERE talked like that, I'd be tempted to stick around a lot longer. But Nooooo I had to come to the progressive, theocracy southern state, where people are afraid of being labelled hicks and speak with fake southern accents that sound more like let's say a midlantic rural accent. Oh wait, I have a midlantic rural accent too! Great, so they don't sound different at all!
  6. This is going to be another whole post, but I'm gonna take more heat and say country music is pretty good. It's really coming back apparantly, so I'm sure there'll be a lot of pop crap pushed big time, but along with having cute girl accents, the new Nashville sound in country music ain't bad.
  7. There is a town in South Carolina called North. Boy, those kids must be fucked up big time. I'm from North South Carolina. "Where?"
  8. Super Bowl coverage begins at 2:30 Sunday. Do they mean coverage, or do they mean mindless celebrity crap, bad pop music, and pointless interviews with player's fourth grade teachers? That's right. Upside: The Rolling Stones, aka the best rock and roll band ever, is playing the halftime show. I'm still taping lingerie bowl, but I'm actually going to watch halftime this year.
  9. I cannot stand Matthew McConahay (can't be arsed to look up his name) and Sarah J. Parker. Somebody oughta throw some oats and some hay in her general direction, are you kidding with that face? I'm also lukewarm on the Terry Bradshaw. That movie shouldn't have been made and I hope it tanks.
  10. During my drive back down 95, I saw a sign in North Carolina for 95 South, Miami. Now, I know they like to put distant places up on the signs, but let's not get fucking carried away. At that point, I had probably 6 more hours of driving, and dammit, I didn't need to see that.

Ok, this is somewhat to mitigate my anger from last post, even though there's anger in this one too, but I tried to make it funny. Speaking of which, the offer has been floated to me to perform some stand up comedy to benefit a non-profit organization down here. I'm thinking it over, and writing some material. Stay tuned.

Post # 1: A Rant

H'ok. Virgin ears, depart. Those who can't handle a little borderline insanity interlaced with angry misplaced patriotism, flee to the hills.

Also, to those sensitive to the current events at hand, no, this is not just a Michigan bashing rant, this has been running around in my head for quite some time, but I needed a spark. Tonight I got it.

Here goes: I was watching TV tonight, which is usually all it takes to remind me why I don't watch a lot of TV. I saw a commercial with Bill Ford in it, saying how innovative and understanding the Ford Motor Co. is, and how the next great series of automobiles, including hybrids, will be made by Ford.

I stopped, and looked at this man, along with the Kennedys pretty much the only other "American Royalty", clearly a little dopey and reading off a cue card, which is fine, but he didn't exactly strike me as someone who inspires innovation. And why would he? A question sprung into me: Are Americans capable of being 'innovative'? Is the Ford motor company?

It seems to me that the Japanese are the innovators, we are more the inventer type. That is to say, we generally prefer to blow things up and start over completely with a new idea and make something completely different, whereas the Japanese have made a career out of "What's that electronic device do? Oh, well we can manufacture it the same way, but we'll make it do one other thing, too." type innovations.

First it was a record player, then it had an 8 track slot, then a tape deck, then two tape decks (the one on the right was for high speed dubbing, of course) then the record player got smaller and used a laser instead of a needle, and they sold it with a tape deck, so you could record onto a CD. Then they invented the mini disc, which was a CD inside of a tape. Though the idea never took off, it played to being an innovation of the three most recognizable music storage systems ever. And that, for the most part, is what the Japanese people do, what they manufacture, and what they make their living off of. Technological stuff, and making it run better. It's not a bigoted thing, and certainly, their reputation for making stuff work is well deserved.

Which brings us to cars. Henry Ford had an idea, actually a few, to invent something different. Completely out of left field. It was a success. Then the Japanese, after you know, some American intervention (bombs and that sort of thing) decided they wouldn't do the military thing anymore, they'd just take our stuff and make it run better.

I drive American cars. I've owned a Buick, and now I own a Dodge. I liked the Buick because it was wholly American: big, boxy, boaty and had room for 17 people. It wasn't sleek, but it was cool, with lots of unecessary chrome and a pedestrian aimer on the hood. The shocks were terrible, the seats looked like kitchen towels, and it had bench seats and a column shifter. It had a really, really well placed cupholder. It was my mini-apartment on wheels, room for everything, and I was in it an awful lot, and I will probably buy another one.

Now, a lot of people drive American cars for different reasons. I'm a big guy, so liking big cars shouldn't be a surprise. That seat in the Buick went so far back you were technically in the back seat while driving, which I liked. Some people are downright mean in their choice to drive American cars: "No rice rockets for me, man, I only drive American cars. (That were probably manufactured in Mexico.)"

Ok, let's review. We like to get our vengence anyway we can, it's true. We think we're really sticking it to the man overseas by buying a domestic car only, or that we're really helping ourselves out by sticking with Detroit instead of... well I dunno, Tokyo? But aren't these companies public? Certainly, there are some American investors with money in Nissan or Toyota, and they might be really happy when people buy those cars, because it helps their own personal nut in some small way. And couldn't there be people in Japan who own Ford stock whoo-hooing everytime someone tears off a lot in Frog Balls, Tennessee in a Mustang?

So patriotism in automobiles aside, the question remains: Are we really innovators? Do we think outside the box when something in our lives breaks, or do we just get a new one? I had a thought about a year ago "Maybe I'll get the toaster fixed." and then began laughing, as I dropped it into the trash can. F that, I'll just go to WalMart and buy another one, who fixes anything anymore? I don't even know where you would go to fix a toaster.

Years ago, a friend and I were driving around, because that's what we did in those days, and I saw a huge TV by the curb. I was a youngin at the time and wanted a nice TV, and neglecting to note that it was probably garbage, I stopped. We looked at the TV, and it was in a big cabinet and looked really nice, plus it was friggin huge. "Mario Bros. will look awesome on that..." So we proceeded up the driveway to ask the gentleman inside if we could have his TV.

"Well yeah, but it doesn't work, it just went blank about 3 hours ago, but you can have it if you want it kid."

"It's just that it's really nice looking, and I have a crappy TV now, maybe if I could get it fixed it would be worth it, cause it's big."

"Knock yourself out kid, like I said, it was a nice TV, but it just went blank."

So we tried putting it, the big TV, into my friend's car (Nissan). And then we tried again. And from the passenger side as well. And then we stopped because we were getting lightheaded from carrying the TV and trying to fit it into a Nissan. "Fuck this, it's not going to fit."

"We can come back for it tomorrow in my dad's truck (Ford) if you want." my friend replied. And so we did, in his big ole truck, and we tow dollied it right on in, and lifted it up and drove off, no problem at all. Now, just to get it fixed. So I open the back, it was about 6 screws. I'm thinking maybe there's just a small thing that needs repair. Well, I broke a calculator once in 6th grade and saw a few microchips, but I was not prepared for this. Inside this HUGE cabinet, that weighed a lot, was a system of microchips and wires that I don't think anybody could understand. Moreover, nobody would offer even to look at it, much less repair it. We had to use his dad's big ole truck again to take it to the garbage dump, cause it damn sure wasn't going in my dad's car (Acura)

So fine, Japanese cars are smaller and more efficient and sleeker and I suppose indirectly sexier. But advertising has led us to believe that it's not macho to drive a Prius, it's not patriotic to drive a rice rocket. Look at the Marlboro Man, for goodness sakes. A successful ad campaign directly targeting men and saying "You're not a fag, are you? Oh, well then do this. It's the MANLY thing to do..." And of course he's a cowboy, an entirely American invention. Advertising loves to screw with our heads, and our insecurities. Besides, it's inherently American to be a bit wasteful, to drive a huge boat of a car and Damn the torpedos and the gas prices. When you do try and get something repaired, be an easy to pick up toaster or a TV in a cabinet that almost made me drop a third testicle, you get burned.

And, also worth mentioning, the Ford family owns Ford Field, home of the Detroit Lions. They are the principle owners of the team, and when it comes to improving a product they sell, be it a car or a football club, they've been pretty fucking abysmal in both aspects for a long time. This employee pricing shit was supposed to be short term, but still nobody's buying their cars. The Fords have kept in office Matt Millen, and look what he's done to that team, to that organization. They haven't been a playoff team since 1999, and when they draft, they draft crap players, or ones that aren't right for their system. They don't fire Matt Millen, and fans hold up signs offering him in trade for bin Laden; and then they turn around and tell Steve Mariucchi to pack his bags? Huh?

Are we really supposed to trust the Ford family to innovate their cars any better? I would expect them to fire good workers, build their cars out of shoddy materials, manufacture the wrong types of cars for the times, and not be very successful on a whole, given what they've done from a football standpoint. And it basically shows in their automotive work: They fire 30,000 people, had the whole recall issue with the Explorer, keep pushing the gas guzzling Mustang when they oughta be making some hybrids and more efficient cars, and maybe things would work out better.

I am rooting for Ford to succeed, obviously. I like American cars, and I wouldn't mind owning one from every company at some point, but maybe the problem is in advertising. Nobody wants innovation, that's a foreign idea. Maybe they need a cowboy selling cars, something wholly American, something that targets American male insecurities.

Oh wait, now cowboys are gay too. Shit, and they win awards for it. Oh well, another good advertising idea down the drain. Guess I might have to cave eventually and buy a rice rocket.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Manic moods are awesome!

So yes. I unofficially have bipolar disorder. Unofficially because I won't go to a head doctor to have it stamped on my hand, and maybe because it's just the hadle of coffee I had at breakfast this morning, but I'm OUTRAGEOUSLY hyper at the moment, and in a fever of writing frenzy am going to make up for going months without posting by writing a lot of shit soonly. (Or soonish, for you grammar cowboys out there. Don't front...)

It's like 80 degrees here in Georgia, sunny day, and my cousin and I were toying with going to the beach and getting drunk, but decided instead of store some beer, party here tonight and then go to the beach tomorrow. It's going to be 70 tomorrow supposedly, and when you've spent like 21 winters in the dark, cold North, 70 degrees in January is absofuckinlutely a beach day. I've got my windows open in my apartment and am listening to some Dave Matthews live from Camden from like.... 2 summers ago when we went and saw him. This gave me the thought to do some concert summaries for y'all to enjoy (or not, what the fuck ever, I don't even know who's reading this.) because I've been to a few and they've always been more good times than bad, with the exception of 311. (Nothing against the band, but the circumstances involved sucked, more on that later)

So yes, the CR Concert Series will kick off soon. Stay tuned. Before I came back to my apartment just now I had been over my cousin's place, and she has a 3rd floor screened in porch that we were chilling out on around noon, drinking some beers and soaking up some sun and breeze. Bonus points.

I have two whole packs of gum in my mouth. Too hyper, needed something to keep my teeth from grinding. To think, I had planned on spending this day doing laundry and mopping. F that, I've got stuff to write and Dave to listen to, with my windows open enjoying the somewhat cooler than 80 degree breeze (It's cooling off a bit towards the end of the day here.)

On the way back to my apartment, however, it was really nice out. I took the long way home so I could get a few songs in by the Blue Method. You may or may not have heard of them, BUT... You should listen to them. They are a blues/funk/awesome band from Philly, I've seen them twice live, wanted to see them three times but they got bumped from a show they were supposed to do at the Jersey shore, which would have probably been in the Concert Series writings, considering I was rolling thick that weekend (No, not a weed reference, FBI. Means I had the Crew with me.) and we had a cooler full of booze.

In all seriousness, they are good musicians and good guys, both times I saw them at the Logan House in Delaware they hung out afterwards and were signing CD's and shaking hands. Very infectious music, if you get a chance to listen to it. Yes, I'm shamelessly plugging them, but dammit... I want them to become more famouser so I can say I knew them when they were doing bars and clubs and getting bumped from shore bars, and then you'll all be impressed. Super bonus points for Philadelphia Eagles fan, as the lead singer bares a resemblance to long time defensive tackle Hollis Thomas. (I smell a cross promotion imminent... Hear my thoughts, Jeffrey Lurie, HEAR MY THOUGHTS!!!!)

Damn, I must not be using enough alumminum foil on my hockey.... I mean my telepathy helmet.

That's right. Now go get it.


Just had to post this

I like Tim Reynolds, a lot. I've seen him live twice now, once with Dave and once without.

Reasons why include the most recent song of his I heard, in which he rhymes "spermatozoa" with "get to know ya".

Remind me to tell you a mildly funny story about going to see him at a small coffee shop in Central Jersey if I forgot to in the next few days. I just listened to this song and had to post that bit of information.

PS ~ The song title is "Spitting Spools of Spermatozoa PENIS"

That's right.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Yeah, I'm still alive.

Hey. Yes, I still exist. Barely.

Been a crazy time period since my last post, to be honest. The holiday season for yours truly was lowkey and a bit strange, and as usual divided up into several mini festivities. I recieved a pumpkin pie from my brother and sister in law. Like, a whole pie. With cool whip, and they said I didn't have to share. Quickest way to my heart if ever I saw one. I also got some gift cards from the newlyweds on their first Christmas together. Like I said, pretty lowkey, nothing crazy, I don't even remember what we had for dinner that night. That was Part One.

Part Two was infinitely stranger. With the duo off visiting her parents, my grandfather in Florida with my aunt and uncle, that left only my parents and I. Or so I thought. My oldest brother who I don't talk about much and hadn't seen in like a year showed up. I was sufficiently walking on eggshells the entire time, and couldn't really drink any alcohol without fear of a lecture, so that sucked. For what it's worth, it was also fairly low key and no big arguements or fights were started. We talked about guitars and cars and music (All three very safe topics with the two of us, since we agree highly with each other in those fields.) Bonus points for him having a new car to gab about and investigate, which really ate up some time before he hit the road.

As for the booty from Christmas, well, it wouldn't be appropriate to call this blog "Strange Days" without a few off the wall type gifts. Firstly, I had no idea what to get my parents. I have like no money, I'm in college, I had been gone for 4 months, maybe they were into something new I didn't know about, and really, they don't need another sweater or gift card to wherever, so I took it upon myself to provide the pleasant lushes with 6 bottles of wine, mostly Aussie, which they dig. I don't know if that qualifies as strange, but I have never recieved that much alcohol from someone as a gift, and it's MY PARENTS for chrizzie sakes.

I got my sister in law these huge slippers with fake toes on the outside, and marabou trim all over them. Gaudy personified in slipper form if ever I saw it. That and toe socks in the same pink and black designs, with miniature cats on the calf part of the sock, with faux rhinestone eyes. Best part: She liked them alot, was wearing the slippers pretty much the entire time she was at the house, and hopefully her cats will attack her feet every once in a while while she's wearing them (they need exercise)

My aunt gave me scuncis. And like hair ties with marbles on them. I have no idea how they work, I just got the whole rubber band thing down (mostly from watching girls in class tie their hair back) and I don't need graduate level hair decorations, I'm still in hair decoration community college. (Don't bitch, you can hit your own gang, I have an A.A.)

Then the pie. Which didn't make any sense at all, but it tasted good. I love pumpkin pie.

My mom got my dad this big wooden box thing that completely confused him. When you open it up, it's like this big transformer thing that turns into a roulette table, and if you flip the plates it's got a 6 person blackjack felt thing. If you take the plates out, you can shoot craps into the box, which the underside of is also felt covered and decorative. It has a dice rake, a nice bowl for roulette spinning, and a little felt table you can set up for Texas Holdem cards. That's probably the coolest gift I saw this year, and it was put to use on New Year's Eve, but that post is in the works. Stay tuned.