Possibly the funniest e-mail I have ever recieved
Hello again. I have about 7 posts stuck in my drafts folder, waiting to be finished, perfected and then published. For all 14 people (possibly being generous with that estimate) that read this little blog on a regular basis [not just people looking for Matthew McConahay photos, he doesn't live here dammit!!!!] you should enjoy that.
Now then, I'm a college student. Sometimes, college students get a bit slackerish. I'm in the midst of the semestre from hell for a plethora of reasons I won't expound upon here at the moment, so I don't know that it's truly slacking off. However, I have a class called "The History of Vietnam" which is sort of a requirement. Guilt has led colleges to require a room full of white people in southern Georgia to study a group of people that at first glance haven't done anything except not lose a war they were supposed to lose.
So, I signed up for this course because Russian history was deleted from the roster. That I think would have been more interesting and something I had interest in prior to taking the class. The professor is a bit goofy, in a friendly sort of way, and he's obviously knowledgeable on the subject (despite not being Asian), so I thought maybe it would work. And then I missed a class. And another class. And a few more here and there. It didn't seem like that many, or that he seemed to care about attendance, since the class was never full.
Taking us up to 2 days ago, I discovered I had apparantly missed a handout that had a writing assignment on it that was due Wednesday. Shit, that's not good, I'm trying to right the ship here and get everything back on track, I must acquire this paper or this assignment. So I e-mail my professor with a fairly simple note, which I will paste below and edit slightly to protect the innocent:
[Keep in mind, I've missed a few classes.]
Dr. [History Guy],
If it is at all possible, could you please e-mail me the writing assignment for the Radicalism in Vietnam book? If not, I will be on campus all day tomorrow if there is a conveinent time to meet you in your office to pick up the paper version. Thank you.
CR [Last Name]
Decently straight forward, to the point. I don't like to waste people's time, especially when they'll be grading me in short order. Now, some time passed and still no response from Dr. History Guy, so I'm quite panicked. I did the only thing I could do, I whined to everyone on the class roster via Facebook about it, in hopes someone would be willing to give me the assignment.
No replies came. I am fucked. Dr. History Guy's office hours are set up at such a time that even if I got ahold of the paper version from him in person, I'd only have like 3 real hours to construct the paper, and most likely would have to consult the book again for exact quotes and stuff to back up my arguements. Plus, he would KNOW I would only have 3 hours, which means he'd probably be looking at my writing with an extra critical eye. I returned to my apartment and signed on to check my mail and Facebook, hoping someone pulled through for me.
A message from Dr. History Guy! Whooo-Hooo!
Hello Mr. [My Last Name],
Who are you?
Dr. [History Guy]
Folks, you just can't script this shit. I laughed aloud for probably 15 minutes after I read that.
Guess I should probably go to class a bit more often.
Also, since everyone likes a happy ending, I got replies from 3 people on Facebook telling me to relax because the assignment got pushed back a week, and one person sent me the whole list of questions. Big ups, Facebook people. There still are good people in this world, helping other procrastinators and students having a slump semestre via interweb.
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