Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I couldn't be more confused...

Ok. I was doing some spring-ish cleaning on my computer.

I was cleaning out my favourites list, which my friend D'Lo one time loudly exclaimed "That's the most fucking ridiculous favourites list ever!" Because of its voluminous nature, it's taken me a while to really buckle down and clean it out. Links to things that don't work anymore, stories that have been moved, and then this, which just... I defy someone to define it.

I think all the numbers in my head went up by one after looking at that.

You know, I flipped a coin on whether to teach English or History at the high school level, and though the reading is pretty brutal for a history major, something tells me at the end I can smile because I won't have to worry about having a class full of people that write in this style of language.

I mean, everything's there, the RaNdOm capitialization of words, the poor spelling of words "likeing", substituting words with letters "R U going 2 B my man?", the graphic depicitions of those girl doll things that probably all need a trip to the free clinic on the wrong side of the tracks, and the broken RealMedia link to an Eminem song.

I have no idea who this girl is, nor how old she was when she made it, but damn. I must have had some reason for bookmarking it at the time, because I look at it now and can't help but weep for the future. OMG! tats Sooooooo cRaZy!


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